<> Some Thoughts on Life & Living <>

Last modified: Sunday, 14 August, 2016

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The modern approach to problems



Ancient wisdom tells us that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best course of action is to dismount.

Many modern organizations, however, insist on trying other strategies...

  1. Changing Riders

  2. Buying a stronger whip

  3. Falling back on "This is the way we've always ridden"

  4. Appointing a committee to study the horse

  5. Appointing a committee to study the horse's equipment

  6. Arranging a visit to other sites to see how they ride their dead horses

  7. Increasing the standards for the performance of dead horses

  8. Increasing the standards for the performance of dead horse riders

  9. Appointing a committee to revive the dead horse

  10. Appointing a committee to review the acquisition standards for horses

  11. Appointing a committee to review the job description for riders

  12. Creating a training session to improve riding skills

  13. Comparing the state of dead horses in today's environment with those of previous decades to show that today's dead horses are really an improvement

  14. Changing the standards so that the horse is no longer technically dead

  15. Hiring an external consultant to show how the dead horse can still be ridden

  16. Harnessing several dead horses together to increase their collective performance

  17. Increasing resources (horse feed) since the horse is obviously under-resourced (malnourished)

  18. Declaring that "No horse is too dead to ride"

  19. Doing a study to determine if outsourcing will reduce the cost of riding the dead horse

  20. Buying a computer program which is guaranteed to enhance dead horse performance and productivity

  21. Declaring a dead horse more cost effective than a live one

  22. Forming a process action group to find uses for dead horses

  23. Promoting the dead horse to a position of greater responsibility

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