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Last modified: Sunday, 14 August, 2016

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* Steven Spielberg, 2001 (145 mins, Cert.  12)

* It is a time when natural resources are limited and technology is advancing at an astronomical pace. Where you live is monitored; what you eat is engineered; and the person serving you is not a person at all. It's artificial. gardening, housekeeping, companionship - there is a robot for every need. Except love. Emotion is the last, controversial frontier in robot evolution, or at least it was - until now....
(Playhouse Publicity)

* The first half hour of this film is so sickly, sugary sweet I could hardly stand it. Then, when David (the robot built to love) becomes a fugitive, the film changes gear completely and becomes a Bladerunner/Waterworld style future thriller with energy and effects to spare; exciting and thought-provoking. We reach what seems to be a conclusion as David achieves his goal but now the film changes gear again and in a nod to 2001: a Space Odyssey we journey to the far future to tidy up the loose ends. There's a lot in this film: it's definitely one to ponder, discuss and one to watch several times.
(Steve Fagg)

* Seen: Tuesday, 16th July, 2002 (Harlow Playhouse)

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